What standards do you use if taxpayer lives outside of the United States?

There are no international standards. The IRS IRM states “…standards are not available for international taxpayers or the U.S. Territories, except for housing and utilities in Puerto Rico. In the absence of standardized figures for foreign countries, a fair and consistent approach should be applied to what is allowed as living expenses for international taxpayers.” [...]

What standards do you use if taxpayer lives outside of the United States?2016-05-13T13:59:59-07:00

Is additional income recognized when all or part of one’s tax liability is forgiven?

In terms of cancellation of debt (“COD”) income the answer is no. But if the terms of an offer in compromise are not fully met (including staying in compliance for a 5-year period subsequent to the offer) the balance of the compromised liability will be reinstated.

Is additional income recognized when all or part of one’s tax liability is forgiven?2016-05-13T13:59:36-07:00

How do you determine the fees you charge to prepare an installment agreement or an Offer in Compromise?

Typically our fees are based upon our standard hourly rates. Keep in mind that it may be difficult to extract information from tax resolution clients so charging on a fixed fee basis may be risky. Streamlined installment agreements typically begin at around $1,800 and offers may be over $10,000 depending on their complexity.

How do you determine the fees you charge to prepare an installment agreement or an Offer in Compromise?2017-04-11T22:23:04-07:00

Does the IRS consider the taxpayer’s ability to pay as of the time they are contacted to negotiate or their ability to pay in the future?

The answer to this question is both. The IRS will allow an installment payment amount based upon the taxpayer’s current ability to pay. If the taxpayers financial picture indicate he or she will have the opportunity to earn more going forward, the IRS will revisit the installment agreement payment amount in the future. If the [...]

Does the IRS consider the taxpayer’s ability to pay as of the time they are contacted to negotiate or their ability to pay in the future?2016-05-13T13:58:12-07:00

Are there situations where the IRS would accept greater than the national and local standard or is this a hard maximum that they will not budge upon?

For purposes of an installment agreement, the IRS will often allow higher than their standards. For an Offer in Compromise there are situations where the standards may be exceeded. They typically will allow higher than the out-of-pocket medical expense allowance if the higher amount can be substantiated. Be prepared to make the argument that there [...]

Are there situations where the IRS would accept greater than the national and local standard or is this a hard maximum that they will not budge upon?2016-05-13T13:57:01-07:00

Can a bankruptcy filing discharge taxes encompassed within an installment agreement if date requirements met?

Yes. A husband and wife are currently in an installment agreement. The husband lost his job and the wife was told she has liver cancer. They filed bankruptcy in 2012. Is there a chance to avoid paying the back taxes they owe? The amount owed is currently $24,000 stemming from liabilities from 2010 and before. [...]

Can a bankruptcy filing discharge taxes encompassed within an installment agreement if date requirements met?2016-05-13T13:56:10-07:00

There was just a case stating that an installment agreement tolls the statute of limitations on collection. Please discuss.

This is not correct. The outcome of the case found that if a hold on collection is placed while an installment agreement request is pending, that time will be added to the 10-year statute. A few articles were written stating that an installment agreement tolls the statute but they were misspoken.

There was just a case stating that an installment agreement tolls the statute of limitations on collection. Please discuss.2016-05-13T13:54:52-07:00

Should an IRS Form 433-A (Collection Information Statement) and an IRS Form 9465 (Request for Installment Agreement) be filed together?

To be clear, the forms referenced in this question are submitted as part of a request for an installment agreement and not officially “filed”. Typically you complete an IRS Form 433-A when your client’s case has been assigned to a Revenue Officer (“RO”). In most of these cases you will negotiate directly with the RO [...]

Should an IRS Form 433-A (Collection Information Statement) and an IRS Form 9465 (Request for Installment Agreement) be filed together?2017-04-11T22:23:04-07:00

If taxpayer has no personal bank account but is a sole shareholder in an S-Corporation, would the taxpayer be required to list the Corporate bank account/s?

The taxpayer is a shareholder in the corporation they will likely need to provide business information via IRS Form 433-B. In said form, the taxpayer will be required to list bank account information.

If taxpayer has no personal bank account but is a sole shareholder in an S-Corporation, would the taxpayer be required to list the Corporate bank account/s?2016-05-13T13:53:54-07:00

I have a client who submitted a streamlined installment agreement to the IRS which was rejected on the basis that the IRS felt she could afford to full-pay the full $2,700 she owed. What can be done in this type of situation where the client does not have the money to full-their liability?

If your client owes $2,700 chances are she is assigned to automated collections. Unless she is a “repeat offender” the IRS should have no issue entering her into a streamlined installment agreement. I would hang up the phone and call back to speak with someone else. That being said it will take some time to [...]

I have a client who submitted a streamlined installment agreement to the IRS which was rejected on the basis that the IRS felt she could afford to full-pay the full $2,700 she owed. What can be done in this type of situation where the client does not have the money to full-their liability?2017-04-11T22:23:04-07:00

How do you change the amount your client is paying on an existing installment agreement?

You should contact the IRS (either Automated Collections or the Revenue Officer assigned to your client’s case depending on the circumstances) and submit a revised 433A or 433F. Be sure to explain the change in circumstances justifying the submission of the revised form or explain how and why the form was completed incorrectly on the [...]

How do you change the amount your client is paying on an existing installment agreement?2017-04-11T22:23:04-07:00

Does the IRS consider a taxpayer’s assets when negotiating an installment agreement?

The IRS typically does not include the value of assets when determining an installment agreement payment amount. However, if the taxpayer has substantial assets the IRS may require they be liquidated to pay down the liability which if not done may affect whether a requested installment payment amount is accepted.

Does the IRS consider a taxpayer’s assets when negotiating an installment agreement?2016-05-13T13:49:45-07:00

What are the effects on a taxpayer of a 1099-C issued by IRS and what remedies are allowed?

The answer to this question depends on the circumstances. There are options allowing a taxpayer to exclude the cancellation of debt (“COD”) income including proof that the taxpayer was insolvent at the time the debt was cancelled but it needs to be looked at on a case-by-case basis. If the COD income cannot be excluded, [...]

What are the effects on a taxpayer of a 1099-C issued by IRS and what remedies are allowed?2016-05-13T13:47:18-07:00

How do you notify the IRS when their 10-year statute of limitations on collection has passed?

Typically you do not. If you think the statute has run or is close to running, you should obtain the taxpayer’s transcripts to verify that collection activity should cease. If the IRS continues to collect, you should contact them via the IRS Practitioner Priority Line (“PPL”) at (866) 860-4259 and discuss the issue. There may [...]

How do you notify the IRS when their 10-year statute of limitations on collection has passed?2016-05-13T13:46:59-07:00

How do you determine equity in house?

You would use the appraised value less mortgage/s owed for installment agreements and 80% of appraised value less mortgage/s owed for offers in compromise. You can most often use an online website such as Zillow to find the appraised value.

How do you determine equity in house?2016-05-13T13:46:27-07:00

How do you address a tax matter in which married spouses file separately? In this case they both owe back taxes from returns filed separately; however, assets held jointly.

This is an interesting question and as is often the case, there is more than one answer. If the spouses reside in the same residence you typically will include their income, expense, asset and liability information together on one form. If they reside at different locations you should weigh the benefits and downsides to claiming [...]

How do you address a tax matter in which married spouses file separately? In this case they both owe back taxes from returns filed separately; however, assets held jointly.2016-05-13T13:45:58-07:00


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