Please clarify the concept of “Tolling the Statute” with regard to installment agreements and offers in compromise.

An offer in compromise tolls (“freezes”) the IRS 10-year statute of limitations on collection (see Is the IRS 10-year statute of limitations for collection on hold while OIC is under consideration?) Items relating to a installment agreement (“IA”) such as the period an IA is under consideration if a hold on collection has been issued [...]

Please clarify the concept of “Tolling the Statute” with regard to installment agreements and offers in compromise.2016-05-13T13:44:46-07:00

Do you include upcoming Obamacare/HCA penalties and/or Health Insurance cost for Monthly Disposable Income (“MDI”)?

Health insurance premiums are allowable and should be included in both installment agreements and offers in compromise. As for the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) penalties, I would include them and see if the IRS fights you on this. It remains to be seen whether they will allow the expense or not.

Do you include upcoming Obamacare/HCA penalties and/or Health Insurance cost for Monthly Disposable Income (“MDI”)?2016-05-13T13:44:24-07:00

Where do you have the revenue officer transfer a client’s case to buy time?

It is our preference to have a Revenue Officer handling a client’s case as opposed to automated collections. When possible we request that a client’s case be transferred to local Revenue Officer. We also ask for this when a client’s case has been assigned to a Revenue Officer that is not geographically desirable. What I [...]

Where do you have the revenue officer transfer a client’s case to buy time?2017-04-11T22:23:04-07:00

Should I get the client to sign the Collection Information Statement (IRS form 433F) before contacting IRS?

Yes. In many instances the IRS representative (assuming the taxpayer is in automated collections) will take the information over the phone. In those instances it is not necessary but if they request that the form be faxed over or mailed in, a signature is required. And better be safe than cause delays in reaching a [...]

Should I get the client to sign the Collection Information Statement (IRS form 433F) before contacting IRS?2017-04-11T22:23:04-07:00

Does Currently Non-Collectable (“CNC”) status just suspend any collection action until some future time at which the IRS requests updated financials (via a form 433)?

Yes, CNC status typically lasts up to 2 years at which time the IRS may ask for updated financials. Sometimes the time period is less and sometimes the IRS does not follow up. The latter is a rare occurrence.

Does Currently Non-Collectable (“CNC”) status just suspend any collection action until some future time at which the IRS requests updated financials (via a form 433)?2016-05-13T13:42:52-07:00

If I am preparing a tax return to replace an IRS substitute for return (“SFR”) will my new returns automatically be accepted? Is there a special process to submit these types of tax returns? Do they need to be marked in a special manner?

Like any other type of tax return replacements for SFR’s are not automatically accepted but assuming they were prepared properly, you should not have any issues. These types of returns do not have to be “marked” in any special way but they should be mailed to the IRS SFR Unit and not the standard mailing [...]

If I am preparing a tax return to replace an IRS substitute for return (“SFR”) will my new returns automatically be accepted? Is there a special process to submit these types of tax returns? Do they need to be marked in a special manner?2016-05-13T13:41:35-07:00

When I obtain a new client, I complete an IRS Power of Attorney (form 2848) so I can obtain a record of their account and if applicable obtain their reported wage and income information. I am not sure which years to put on the 2848 to determine what they owe and which years are unfiled.

To be safe, you should span more years than you think are necessary. For example if your client states they are unfiled or owe from 2006, you should begin earlier and span to at least a year past the current year. For example in this case you may put 2003 through 2016 on the form. [...]

When I obtain a new client, I complete an IRS Power of Attorney (form 2848) so I can obtain a record of their account and if applicable obtain their reported wage and income information. I am not sure which years to put on the 2848 to determine what they owe and which years are unfiled.2017-04-11T22:23:04-07:00

How do you prepare tax returns without direct proof of expenses?

There are various ways to do this. The best way without having actual invoices and statements is to recreate a client’s books from bank and credit card statements. In today’s technical age most of the transactions on these statements list the payee as well as the amount and date of transaction. In addition it is [...]

How do you prepare tax returns without direct proof of expenses?2017-04-11T22:23:04-07:00

My client is a delinquent taxpayer with 10 years of unfiled tax returns. If I advise them to file less than all 10 years delinquent tax returns will doing so create an ethical and/or malpractice liability issue for us and what is our exposure to Criminal Investigation (“CI”)?

I do not think that advising your client to prepare only a portion of unfiled tax returns creates any additional exposure to you as a preparer. It certainly should not cause exposure to the IRS CI. The fact is that there is no statute of limitations for someone who has not filed. Would you consider [...]

My client is a delinquent taxpayer with 10 years of unfiled tax returns. If I advise them to file less than all 10 years delinquent tax returns will doing so create an ethical and/or malpractice liability issue for us and what is our exposure to Criminal Investigation (“CI”)?2017-04-11T22:23:04-07:00

Would you amend a tax return to use the 240 day rule?

To amend a return adds 240 ADDITIONAL days to the waiting period necessary to include tax liability in a bankruptcy so it would not make sense to amend a return for that reason. However, if your client had an IRS return audited and additional tax was assessed, you will probably want to amend the State [...]

Would you amend a tax return to use the 240 day rule?2017-04-11T22:23:04-07:00

How do you respond to IRS when they want client to extend the statute of limitations period?

If you are referring to the collection statute we instruct our clients not to sign a waiver. If you are talking about audit and not collections. Typically you do not have a lot of choice in the matter. If you do not extend the assessment period the IRS will disallow the deductions in question and [...]

How do you respond to IRS when they want client to extend the statute of limitations period?2017-04-11T22:23:04-07:00

I am an EA and a bookkeeper. I categorize expenses as a bookkeeper for one of my clients. I do not and will not prepare her taxes. She owns 30 rental properties and has instructed me to include some expenses that I know are not allowable tax deductions. She also does not capitalize certain expenses as should be the case but rather expenses them in the period in which they were incurred. I have brought these errors to her attention. From what I know (I do not have access to review her prior years tax returns), her tax liability is zero every year. Am I culpable for including inappropriate expenses on reports I send to her tax preparer? Can I, as the bookkeeper following my client’s instructions, be held accountable?

This is a tough question to answer. You are an enrolled agent so you are trained to “know better”. That may be the real issue here. As you already know the ultimate responsibility is on the taxpayer. You should at the very least indicate in writing to the preparer and copy the client that you [...]

I am an EA and a bookkeeper. I categorize expenses as a bookkeeper for one of my clients. I do not and will not prepare her taxes. She owns 30 rental properties and has instructed me to include some expenses that I know are not allowable tax deductions. She also does not capitalize certain expenses as should be the case but rather expenses them in the period in which they were incurred. I have brought these errors to her attention. From what I know (I do not have access to review her prior years tax returns), her tax liability is zero every year. Am I culpable for including inappropriate expenses on reports I send to her tax preparer? Can I, as the bookkeeper following my client’s instructions, be held accountable?2017-04-11T22:23:04-07:00

A taxpayer knows that they owe 5-years back taxes stemming in part from an audit of three of the 5 years. The balance owing is high and every subsequent year’s tax refund is hold due to the balances owing. The taxpayers are in financial hardship and have not received correspondence indicating final assessments or collection letters of any type. Do they need to wait for some type of notification prior to proceeding with the submission of an offer in compromise or can they proceed now?

If the original tax amounts as well as the FINAL tax audit assessments have posted the taxpayer can proceed with the submission of an offer in compromise. This information can be discovered by obtaining the taxpayer’s most current tax account transcripts. The taxpayer does not need to wait for additional correspondences such as collection letters.

A taxpayer knows that they owe 5-years back taxes stemming in part from an audit of three of the 5 years. The balance owing is high and every subsequent year’s tax refund is hold due to the balances owing. The taxpayers are in financial hardship and have not received correspondence indicating final assessments or collection letters of any type. Do they need to wait for some type of notification prior to proceeding with the submission of an offer in compromise or can they proceed now?2016-05-13T13:37:51-07:00

Can you explain how a taxpayer utilizes an offer in compromise doubt as to liability in lieu of an audit reconsideration? I have a new client that was audited for 2012 and 2013. I was going to request an audit reconsideration, but would like to know how the OIC doubt as to liability would work?

Effectively it is an audit re-consideration. You typically option the OIC doubt as to liability if all other appeal paths have been exhausted. For example if the 30 day and 90 day letters have been issued and the assessments are considered “final”. If this is not the case, a traditional audit reconsideration is the path [...]

Can you explain how a taxpayer utilizes an offer in compromise doubt as to liability in lieu of an audit reconsideration? I have a new client that was audited for 2012 and 2013. I was going to request an audit reconsideration, but would like to know how the OIC doubt as to liability would work?2016-05-13T13:37:22-07:00

A taxpayer was audited for a year in which they received a 1099 showing $176,000 in income. The tax preparer representing the taxpayer did not supply supporting documentation for the deductions shown on the return and dies before the audit starts. What can the taxpayer do if the documentation is not available and the audit is closed without deductions?

If an audit becomes final including having exhausted all “official” channels of appeal; and the taxpayer failed to provide documentation supporting to either lower an assessment of tax liability or eliminate an assessment of tax liability (i.e. by providing proof of deductions or substantiating non-income deposits), the taxpayer may still have options. In many cases, [...]

A taxpayer was audited for a year in which they received a 1099 showing $176,000 in income. The tax preparer representing the taxpayer did not supply supporting documentation for the deductions shown on the return and dies before the audit starts. What can the taxpayer do if the documentation is not available and the audit is closed without deductions?2016-05-13T13:36:54-07:00

If you submitted an appeal of an Offer In Compromise and it gets rejected where do you go?

Assuming your client’s offer in compromise was rejected by the IRS Offer Specialist assigned to their case, you have a few options as follows moving up the chain in seniority.  You can appeal to the Specialist’s direct supervisor, the Group Manager.  If you are unsuccessful you can request to argue your position to the Group [...]

If you submitted an appeal of an Offer In Compromise and it gets rejected where do you go?2017-04-11T22:23:04-07:00

Can you explain how a taxpayer utilizes an offer in compromise doubt as to liability in lieu of an audit reconsideration?  I have a new client that was audited for 2012 and 2013.  I was going to request an audit reconsideration, but would like to know how the OIC doubt as to liability would work?

Effectively it is an audit re-consideration.  You typically option the OIC doubt as to liability if all other appeal paths have been exhausted.  For example if the 30 day and 90 day letters have been issued and the assessments are considered “final”.  If this is not the case, a traditional audit reconsideration is the path [...]

Can you explain how a taxpayer utilizes an offer in compromise doubt as to liability in lieu of an audit reconsideration?  I have a new client that was audited for 2012 and 2013.  I was going to request an audit reconsideration, but would like to know how the OIC doubt as to liability would work?2016-05-13T13:31:52-07:00

A taxpayer was audited for a year in which they received a 1099 showing $176,000 in income.  The tax preparer representing the taxpayer did not supply supporting documentation for the deductions shown on the return and dies before the audit starts.  What can the taxpayer do if the documentation is not available and the audit is closed without deductions?

If an audit becomes final including having exhausted all “official” channels of appeal; and the taxpayer failed to provide documentation supporting to either lower an assessment of tax liability or eliminate an assessment of tax liability (i.e. by providing proof of deductions or substantiating non-income deposits), the taxpayer may still have options.  In many cases, [...]

A taxpayer was audited for a year in which they received a 1099 showing $176,000 in income.  The tax preparer representing the taxpayer did not supply supporting documentation for the deductions shown on the return and dies before the audit starts.  What can the taxpayer do if the documentation is not available and the audit is closed without deductions?2016-05-13T13:31:22-07:00

I left a legal firm that was involved with what I consider be was an abusive tax scheme involving several doctors. I was told that the IRS challenged the scheme in court and to my surprise lost the case. Will the IRS go back and appeal the case as it most likely involves many millions of dollars?

It is impossible to guess at what motivates the IRS.  They can appeal any ruling so it remains to be seen.

I left a legal firm that was involved with what I consider be was an abusive tax scheme involving several doctors. I was told that the IRS challenged the scheme in court and to my surprise lost the case. Will the IRS go back and appeal the case as it most likely involves many millions of dollars?2016-05-13T13:31:01-07:00

Is there a time frame for paying tax?  Does a taxpayer have to pay after 11 years if they do not have the means to pay?

Assuming you are referring to the IRS, the statute of limitations for “active” collection is 10 years from the date of assessment.  By “active” we mean the IRS will come after taxpayer directly.  After 10 years  the IRS cannot continue to do so but may, if previously filed continue to renew a tax lien on [...]

Is there a time frame for paying tax?  Does a taxpayer have to pay after 11 years if they do not have the means to pay?2016-05-13T13:29:50-07:00


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