Your Guide to Growing Your Practice

Building Your Client Base (Tips)

1. Establish who your client base is

It seems counter productive to narrow your concentration when you want to grow your client base, but finding your niche is key to increasing your business. Before you can diversify your services, you first need to do at least one service exceptionally well.

Find out which demographic needs your product or service the most and focus on that demographic. Begin by creating marketing personas or ideal client profiles so you know the types of clients you’ll most likely be working with, and cater your marketing efforts to them.

It’s important to start small and branch out from there. Hone in on your target audience and build a strong reputation among initial clients and eventually your business will expand.

2. Ask people for feedback

Speaking of reputation, asking for feedback from previous clients will help you figure out your businesses strengths and weaknesses. Clients will appreciate your follow-up as a form of touching base, and their feedback will help you find out any problem areas, as well as your company’s greatest strengths.

As part of the feedback process, ask clients if they are comfortable giving a testimonial that you can feature on your website to positively highlight your brand. Approximately eighty-seven percent of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, so allow your past clients to encourage potential customers to join your client list.

3. Share your knowledge with the world

No one enjoys giving things away for free, especially if nothing is exchanged in return. After all the time and finances you spent producing your product or service, you know how much it’s worth, and it can hurt to give away for free.

Although it might not sound appealing to you at first, offering free trials or access to specific resources is one of the best ways to get clients in the door and give your business major advantages in the long run. This gives potential clients a small taste of your company’s experience, and it will show them that if they commit to pay more, they will gain access to more high-quality information that they maybe didn’t even know they needed.

This applies to any field: Give customers a little, and if it’s good, they will come back for more. Not only will sharing your knowledge encourage clients to look at your services, but it also establishes your business as a seasoned expert within your industry.

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