Your Guide to Growing Your Practice

Building Your Client Base (Tips)

4. Reward their loyalty

Although your intuition might lead you to believe that you should focus on finding new prospects in order to grow the size of your client list, don’t let that distract you from keeping your current clients happy. Approximately Sixty-six percent of customers start using a competitor’s business because of poor service from the original business.

Reward clients and encourage repeat business by offering benefits such as VIP discounts, special deals, early access to new products, or anything that will remind your clients that you care about them and want them to continue doing business.

5. Treat clients like humans, not business

It can be difficult to be patient with clients when you are trying to make ends meet and focus on the success of your business. However, you should always remember to be trustworthy and personable.

The childhood quote of “treat others the way you want to be treated” holds true for business relationships. Respect your clients and they will respect you, and hopefully purchase your products and services.

6. Email your clients

Email has an ROI (Return on Investment) higher than that of any other digital marketing channels, so it is smart to use an email list to build your client network.

Take advantage of a client’s potential interest by sending them welcome emails immediately after they sign up to remind them of what you offer. However, remember that your emails must be permission-based and have an unsubscribe link or they will  go to spam (and legal issues may arise).

7. Give clients access to your network

If you are able to help your clients, they will help you. Sharing industry-relevant information with your network helps them stay educated while making your clients look good. This strategy also gives clients the chance to share the content you’ve posted on your sites to their own audiences, increasing your brand’s outreach.

Building your client list is absolutely crucial for your business to grow, so start using these tips to grow your network. With more clients comes more revenue, giving you a wider reach and the ability to direct your business where you’d like it to go.

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