Your Guide to Growing Your Practice

Two Easy Ways to Build your Client Base Quickly

The easiest and most efficient way to start is by sending a concise email to your current network.

Email Marketing to Existing Clients, Family and Friends

Here is an email you can send to a client regardless of what service you provide.

Client Email Example 1 (All Services)

Hello John,

It has been pleasure working with you these past 5 years. 

I hope you have found the level of my work to meet your high standards.  I make it a point to hold myself to the highest of professional standards and make sure that each and one of my clients receives only excellence.

Please know that I am always available to answer any questions you may have pertaining to your file.

If you know anyone that could benefit from my services, a referral is always appreciated.  Again, thank you for being a valued client.



Peter Stephan

Email Marketing Segment

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