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Two Easy Ways to Build your Client Base Quickly

Email Marketing to Existing Clients, Family and Friends

Here is an email you can send to a Tax Resolution client

Client Email Example 2 (Tax Resolution)

Hello John,

It has been pleasure working as your accountant these past 5 years. 

I hope you have found the level of my work to meet your high standards.  I make it a point to hold myself to the highest of professional standards and make sure that each and one of my clients receives only excellence.

I recently expanded my practice to include Tax Resolution services.  That is helping tax clients with audit and collection matters with both the IRS and State.  I am ready to help anyone who has a tax problem with the IRS and help them settle their debt.  Most people don’t know what their options are once they realize they have a problem with the IRS and they feel overwhelmed to say the least.  Some may even be too embarrassed to talk about their issues at all.  This is where the problem starts.

What they fail to realize is that by talking to a specialist such as myself, they can resolve their issues in a manageable way.  Sometimes even settling for much less than they owe.

If you happen to know any one or come across someone that has issues with the IRS please give them my contact info and I’d be happy to have an initial consultation at no cost to them.

I am here to save them money!



Peter Stephan

Email Marketing Segment

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