Your Guide to Growing Your Practice

Option 2 – Professional Networking

If you want new business, one of the best methods that we recommend is Professional Networking.

I know what you are thinking.. “Do I really have to go those group meetings?”  or, “I have tried this and with my limited amount of time to speak, I have come out with little to zero leads”.

Two people in the same field both join the same group.  One earns six figures in fees generated from the group while the other does not land a single client.  Why is this?  To start, there are different ways networking groups are set up.  Choosing the right way ensures you maximize the return on your time and resources spent.

Here are some tips to help you get the most from your networking:

  1. Set a time budget for your networking. Plan to attend a specific number of meetings each month. Make sure your other responsibilities work around these meetings. It’s optimal to balance networking with your other lead generating activities.
  2. Understand why you’re there – to start relationships – not to sell. Networking is the first step in a long marathon. Do not rush anything. It takes time to gain people’s trust.

Ask people questions. Learn about people and their business. This is how you can pre-qualify them, they might become a future client or have friends who might be interested in becoming a future client.

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