Your Guide to Growing Your Practice

Option 2 – Professional Networking

What NOT to Do

We recommend you do not join a group that is limited to meeting with the same 20-30 people each meeting. These groups operate the same way everywhere, every time. Each person gets 30 seconds to introduce themselves and maybe one person at the meeting does a deep dive into their business.  The reason these meetings are ineffective is you are only interacting with about 30 people or less. While you may gain some of their business and even their client’s business, your potential network is limited

Some of these groups require that only one person from each field of practice belong to the group. They also expect that the members of each group refer one another business. As you are probably aware, people are not going to change their trusted advisors like a CPA or wealth advisor just because someone different belongs to their networking group. Others have mandatory attendance on a weekly basis. Seeing the same people every week is not productive and causes a excess waste of your time. This is not the way to effectively grow your business!

What to Do

Join a networking group that allows you to attend multiple meetings each month. These networking groups provide a much better return for your investment in both time and resources.

In these groups you have the ability to get in front of 20-30 people several times each month. You have the ability to meet and/or interact with  hundreds of professionals each month instead of just 30. If you create the proper message, you will not only feel comfortable in a room that has professionals in your field but will probably gain business from them as well.

You want to make sure you are going to groups that are serious about making new connections and growing their respective businesses and clientele. We recommend joining Professional Only groups that have a membership fee attached. While the cost of these types of groups generally is higher to join ($900-1500 per year), the return on your investment is typically much higher, much quicker.

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