Your Guide to Growing Your Practice

Option 2 – Professional Networking

If you are in California, Atlanta, Chicago, Seattle or New England, here are two networking groups that meet our standards:

  • All Cities    CLICK HERE to find out more (California only)

If these groups are not available in your area, look for ones that meet the same criteria.

A good networking group will expand your business because you will show that you are not just a professional, but a true specialist in your field. In fact, the majority of clients we get from networking come from other professionals in our same field.

In addition, tax resolution experts actually benefit these type of meetings because we can actually market to other CPA’s. Having what seems like direct competition in one of these meetings actually turns into a benefit when you are specialist. Now, you can help them deal with clients that have specialized issues that they are ill equipped to handle. Tax experts will appreciate how difficult tax resolution work truly is.

To maximize the chance of making an impression, be sure you have written and rehearsed your “elevator pitch”.  The idea here is that you have something prepared that you would say to someone about what you do having no more time than an elevator ride.  The idea is to speak for 30 seconds, no more than a minute.

Sample Elevator Pitch 

Hi, my name is Matthew Cohen.  I am a partner at the TAX RESOLUTION Institute. My firm specializes in helping my clients and professionals like you that have clients with tax problems.  If you or someone you know has a problem with the IRS, let me be your Tax Expert!!

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