Learn To Let Go

Thing To Keep In Mind When Letting Go

Here are a few things you want to keep in mind when contemplating letting go of a client:

  • Things always seem to happen for a reason. Whether the reason is due to timing or your prospect not being the right fit for the company, sometimes you just wont be able to get the sale that you’ve been working so hard for, no matter how hard you try to close. If you stop concentrating your attention on what you can’t have and instead concentrate on new client possibilities, you’ll be very surprised with the results that arise — often sooner than you think.
  • Do not get too attached to the thought of the sale. People tend to subconsciously place a lot of attachment on material objects and people. When we attach ourselves to something, letting go becomes extremely difficult and we tend to think about things a lot. It’s completely OK to have strong connections, but you should never feel like you need to depend on closing a particular sale to hit your target. There are plenty of people in the pipeline that you can be working on, and if there aren’t you need to build a bigger pipeline with great leads.
  • Know the right time to let go. This can be different for every scenario, but you should create a benchmark and know when it’s the right time to let go of the sale. Whether you do a monthly pipeline review to move dead leads out based on time or touches, or weed out toxic people you want to let go of in your life. You owe it to yourself to have an objective and a basis for reviewing different elements of your life and understanding when it’s time to let go of somebody. Be completely honest with yourself about it and be as realistic as possible.