Receive Testimonials

Ask For Testimonials

Below is a list of questions that you can ask to clients in order to receive testimonials. You should formulate your questions in a way to evoke answers that will be able to be used in marketing and advertising. Here are a few sample questions:

  1. What was your overall experience with the company?
  2. Recount a particular time with us that made you very happy
  3. Is there anything you could think of that we can improve on?
  4. Describe a benefit that we provided that you valued greatly
  5. How else did you benefit from working with our firm?
  6. What results have developed since we have started working together?
  7. Would you recommend our services to close family and friends?
  • Be sure to share your testimonials with the world through your website landing page, brochures, and marketing materials.
  • Create a page on your website dedicated solely to testimonials.
  • Show these testimonials during your consultations and evaluations as a sales instrument and have them visible for prospects in the office to view. These stories sell, especially when speaking with a prospect who is going through a similar situation as a previous testimonial.
  • Relate to the prospect and show them how you can achieve great results by overcoming the same issues you have in the past.
  • Frame these testimonials in the lobby, hallways, conference rooms, and your personal office. There is no such thing as too many testimonials!

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